Wednesday, August 13, 2003

Ask in the name of the Father

Ask in the name of the Father
Who seeks not to punish
But to pardon, to teach, to guide
He is most misunderstood
To the point of rejection and contempt
By his own Flesh and Blood

Ask in the name of the Mother
Who sought to hold, to caress, to love
She is most saddened
By the loss of her only Succour
Who walked the Path winding, alone
Never knowing what he might have been

Ask in the name of the Children
They who searched the ends
For a chance to create a life
That which is not dictated or preordained
But in vain, they realised
That what they desire is forbidden

Ask in the name of the Souls gone
If Heaven was what they ever dreamt
Are they Filled? Are they Redeemed?
Do they regret the wrongs they did
Knowing now they would still be
Watching over miscreant loved ones in pain