Monday, November 01, 2004

Take your antibiotics

I’ve been really ill. After the fever bout I developed asthmatic cough and had breathing difficulty. I keep coughing and coughing cos it’s so itchy inside my throat and chest. It was so bad that I could barely breathe at night and I couldn’t sleep well. So I went to see the doc again, for the third time. He was puzzled that I got this new thing. Nevertheless he prescribed me with lots of medication for the cough, the asthma symptoms, the phlegm, plus antibiotics. I didn’t take the antibiotics for my fever, which I can’t help but wonder if I should have, then I wouldn’t have gone and developed another problematic thing like this. Ah well…

I’m back at work. Just going to take it easy and not stress myself out over silly people in the office. And there are silly people in the office, doing silly things. Like outsourcing graphic designers for the magazine. How silly can that be? I mean, where’s the quality control and the production time control, if we outsource design?

I'm fed up with this organisation. Had enough. Am not going to bang my head against the wall over their inconsistencies and nonsensical organisational manuevouring tactics. I write, I get paid end of the month, that's it. I'm leaving next year for Down Under anyway. They can screw themselves up as much as they want. Doesn't affect me.

Over the weekend I had the time to finish The Da Vinci Code finally. And I also finished Shadowlands. Lovely book, the Shadowlands, about the true story CS Lewis and his true love Joy Davidman. And I cried. Yes, I'm not ashamed to say that I cried profusedly towards the end. I can hardly wait for Narnia to be released next year.