Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Obnoxious, broke and deaf

My signal switch died on me this morning while driving. I had pressed it to indicate a ‘right’ turning, it went ‘tick-taaaaccckhup!’, and the lights went off. For a moment there I panicked cos I thought I had broken something to cause it to make that weird sound. I kept switching it ‘left’ and ‘right’, but no lights, and no ‘tick-tack’ sound.

‘Shit.’ I thought. There goes my money, for something that breaks down and needs money to repair.

It’s always like this! When I think I’ve been able to save a little money, it has to pay for something that cannot be ignored. I never save this way!!! Damn!

And I felt bad all the way as I was driving. Cos the signal light was off. I eyed the cars in the next lane and waited till one was quite far off before I jumped lanes. Still I felt like the obnoxious little twerp that everybody curses, who doesn’t signal change of lane or when turning left or right. I wanted very much to push myself down the seat and hide from the window’s view.

While agonising over this I suddenly thought of something that my friend Jung said when we finally met up for dinner after 2 long years of missed appointments. He said that I should do something different when I’m in Australia.

Me: What do you mean by different?

Jung: Something different. Something that you’ve always wanted to do. Something you’ve always dreamt of doing.

Me: ….

Jung: What would you like to do, if you didn’t have to worry about anything, money, etc?

Me: … I don’t know. Maybe work in a bar. I’ve always had a fascination for bars. Yeah, can anyone tell I love drinking?

But that really wasn’t what I’ve always dreamt of doing. Sure, I’d love to do lots of things. But I didn’t know what I REALLY wanted to do.

But the other day I thought of it.

But this morning, damn it, I couldn’t remember what the hell it was. And it was perfect. That much I remember!!

I forgot my dilemma over the busted signals and started racking my brains for what was that one thing that I would love to do.

And still can’t remember.

I believe I’m malfunctioning.

My memory power is definitely lacking. And my hearing is also going.

This evening at a potential article contributor’s place, I swear I heard ‘dirty dancing’, instead of ‘belly dancing’, and I heard ‘lots of nudity’, instead of ‘lots of yogi tea’. When I docuble-checked with her, she looked at me funny.

Oh, the mortification!

I mean, I always knew that I had faulty hearing, ever since I took up martial arts back in high school, when we had weekly Saturday Lion Dance practise with the gongs, chimbels and drums. We would be banging those chimbels for 2 hours, with the drumming pounding rhythms in time, and the occasional gongs clanging for effect. And after class, my ears would be ringing for an hour and would still have this echo a couple more later. Somehow I knew it would be long term. Sigh……..