Monday, February 28, 2005

The sky is clearer

When the Rain Fell
It has been gloomy over here in KL. Mostly because of the fires burning in some of our forests. The skies were hazy and smoky and totally miserable. Thank God the rain came and cleared the air. *bowing to the Rain God*

The air at home was just as bleak for the past few days. My mom is still hung up over my brother's epilectic attack. I understand how she feels, cos I was down for a few days myself. But I think she's taking it entirely too direly. After all lots of people live with epilepsy, the victims and family members - and they manage to have a happy life. I don't think we need mope around as if it's the end of the world.

But the weekend was a chance to take him out and treat him to a good Japanese dinner, as he loves Japanese food, and she perked up a bit. But once at home, she went down again. Sigh. I hate that she gives herself so much pressure and unhappiness.

Personally not so good
My own emotions weren't too good, as I've had a number of rejections from the agencies in Australia. I'm beginning to doubt that I'm a good potential employee, that I have anything to offer employers, that my skills would be needed.

So I made a date earlier with my senior writer for dinner. Needed to talk heart-to-heart with someone whom I could tell anything. My dreams, doubts and desires.

hehehe... we had pizza. I so seldom desire pizza. But it was good. Especially with the right company.

Music for my soul
I saw this in a few bloggers' blog and so stole it from them. How does one steal from a few people the same thing? Does the copyright money get distributed evenly among them? What if I left out a few? Wouldn't they too be cheated, unknowingly?

*runs behind a bush*

Choose a band/artist and answer only in song TITLES by that band: Sarah Brightman (naturally!)

Are you male or female: La Lune

Describe yourself: So many things

How do some people feel about you: Amigos para siempre

How do you feel about yourself: A whiter shade of pale

Describe your ex girlfriend/boyfriend: He doesn’t see me

Describe your current girlfriend/boyfriend: Wishing you were somehow here again

Describe where you want to be: In paradisum

Describe what you want to be: Beautiful

Describe how you live: Gloomy Sunday

Describe how you love: Until the end of time

Share a few words of wisdom: Any dream will do

* miaow *