Monday, January 17, 2005

No more Miss Nice

My editor's on leave today and tomorrow.

And she left a note on my table saying she's given the digital camera and charger and back-up CDs of our magazine to my Chief Finance Officer (CFo) for safe-keeping.

Er... why? what for?

Never mind.

Then we noticed the CD burner was missing. But she didn't say anything about that in her note.

So anyway, I go to ask my CFO, just in case.

And sure enough, it was with him.

Again, why? what for?

I walked back puzzling over this and then I remembered. Last Friday I had used the burner to burn a music CD for my colleague. And she walked by just when it finished burning and the lid popped open. Naturally she asked my new designer what that was, cos it was sitting on her table, and made a comment about she better not be burning company/magazine documents. I immediately clarified that it was mine and it was music, not files or documents.

And so today is the result of last week's action.

I tell you, I'm getting more and more sick of the way my management and my editor is behaving. Manipulative, dishonest, calculative and cheapskates.

And to think that I was feeling sorry for them because I won't be around to help make the magazine grow.

Well, no more Miss Nice.