About a hill, a leach and a spirit
I've been busy, sick and up climbing and hiking in the mountains. Well, they call it a hill but I believe it was a mountain!!!!Took fake MC to go mountain hiking - up Maxwell Hill - with my colleagues and ex-colleagues.
Where we found out the hard way that a mountain called a hill is still a mountain.
Where we 'met' two leaches - we salted one of them to death! muahahahahhahaaaa.....
Where we 'bumped' into the third 'kind'.
Where we had BBQ, fun, bonding and good food.
Will talk more about it later in more detail about the mountain, the leaches and the, yes, spirit(s) that 'visited' us at the resthouse. Plus upload some photos. So meanwhile, take care you all!!!
*muck* muck*
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