Friday, June 10, 2005


I'm gonna be quiet for awhile, cos my blogging time at work is totally gone.


Because some idiots who call themselves management went and installed this stupid tracking software into the server and selected computers.


Because they say that they want to protect company trade secrets.

What company trade secrets?

Precisely my point. Perhaps it's their fantastic and totally authentic way of faking their accent and their 'sincerity' when negotiating with clients.

So what now?

I've stopped visiting all blogsites because I refuse to let these idiots see my friends and they are idiotic enough to laugh at things they have no brain for understanding anything important for.

We don't know how long they are going to keep this programme... apparently it's a trial thing... they're too stingy to buy the programme yet.... But things are sure gonna be quiet on my side cos by the time I get back from work, I'm too beat to go online.

So meanwhile, take care of yourself people. Going to MISS YOU ALL!!!