Wednesday, June 01, 2005

No heart

Lately I haven't had the heart to do much.... Perhaps it's that I've finally come to that stage where everything is in transition and so waiting for the next big thing to happen... like my migration....

In any case, to get over this sickening pressure in my throat, I'm determined to finish my feature article quickly... and then I'm taking leave.

Yes, I know, I'm a coward.

If only I could just take 3 days by myself, alone, somewhere far from people, where the trees and rivers speak to each other... where I can lie among the grass and sleep the day away and dream, really dream...

My dreams are even more restless now... That's why I exhaust myself till late before turning in to bed... that at least guarantees that I will be deadbeat and drop into Lala-land quick.

Not so good thing is that I woke up cranky as a she-bear...

Someone offered to do me an Astro chart... I believe my mood must be partially due to Jupiter descending upon my moon or my moon has collided with my sun... or something to that effect... Wish I studied Astrology...

Still... I need my beauty sleep.

Morpheus, I need more pillows. And hit me with some melatonin, pronto.