Tuesday, August 10, 2004

Been around the world, and yeah, yeah, yeah!

Oh God. I can sing the Lisa Stanfield song now.

“Been around the world, and yeah, yeah, yeah. I can’t find my …” oops, different thing.

Phew! I’m beat! I only just came back into the office. Never been in the office in the morning in the first place!

Went straight to the photoshoot location from home. And KL is jam as usual. Blast! Was late by 15 minutes. Ok lah… Today’s shoot was fantastic. The lady is a true yogi and her postures and poses were truly well-tuned and such elegance! This month’s front cover and inside pictures will be grand… yes, sirree. And then had lunch outside with my designers at this great Hong Kong restaurant. Yum! Then I flew over to Citibank to pay my bills. Did I say ‘flew’? Oh yeah, I did. Then I zoomed down to the other end of town to pick up Visions. Then I zipped back to the centre – office. With a big grin on my face.

Visions is out!!! Wooohoooo!! The wait is finally over!! Yeeehaaaa!

I shall start on it tonight! No, Amiee, I’m not giving it to you tonight. Wait till moi finish! Muahahahahahahahaaaaaaa….

What a day!

Now I’ve plunked my little ass (yes, it’s little!!! – I defy anyone to challenge me!) and have to start on the pile, yes, PILE, of work. *sniff sniff*

Sigh… whalladay.