Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Viva Cleo Bachelor 2005!

I've been all excited about this but have forgotten to blog about it!!

My fren is one of the contestants for the Cleo Bachelor 2005 award this year! And I'm just so excited for him, proud of him and am so rooting for him.

I've been sms-ing like crazy. For all the titles. 'Too Cool', 'Street Smart', 'True Blue Adverturer', 'Most Likely To Melt Your Heart'....

This Saturday they will be appearing before all the voters at KLCC.

The sad thing is I will have to compete with all the other screaming giddy goat gurls.... damn.... I feel so old....

But I'm goin.... because this is a friend, whom you will want on your 'Good Friend' list.