Monday, March 21, 2005

Update on Project Medicate-Sick-Kit

Set my alarm for 5.45am this morning so that I could go downstairs to seek out the less-sick kit for medication and eye-cleaning.

Couldn’t find him and the mothercat in the box I set him in, but found them round the corner, near the construction area. I walked right up to scoop the kit in my hands, while she made the low growling noises at me.

She didn’t follow me, although she did meow a few times. So I took the kit home and began to clean out his eyes, who didn’t like the feel and tried to squirm away. He was better, eyes less red. Then filled the syringe with the antibiotics. But it shook his head free at the last minute, so I don’t think it had its prescribed 0.5ml.

Mom was really good about the whole thing. She even prepared the food and milk for the kits while I dealt with the sicker kit.

Who was much better. Could sit up when I opened the lid to bring him out for the meds. And he liked the antibiotics better! Phew.

But both of them didn’t care much for milk. Gobbled the tuna though. That’s a consolation.

But mom put her foot down on taking the sick kit out and put under the stairs.

‘No keeping in the house!’

‘But mom…’

‘The mother will bring them back again. Cos you can feed them. Today after work you come back and medicate them again.’


So I’m going to pack up at 5.30 sharp and go back to see if they’re around. Hopefully the mothercat didn’t move them away. Cos the sicker kit is too weak.