Thursday, September 09, 2004

Ms Pomelo is taking meds again

I'm taking my meds again... starting tonight... have not been taking my Bach for months! Cos I had such a high from the Soul Retreat in May. Must say though, that it's certainly a record for not having had a depression attack and having much better control over it this time. But I'm taking it cos I need a little help.

I've got another nickname again.

My colleague (circulations exec) asked a favour, cos the supermarket was on the way home.

"Could you help me buy some apples and oranges please?"

"Sure. But whatever for?"

"It's to thank our client for being supportive. We're giving her a
fruit basket."

"Ok. How many?"

"20 apples and 20 oranges."

"What? That much? How am I to carry that much?!"

"Sure, you can!" piped in Sc. "You're a cow! You got strength!"

I strangled him. But apparently not enough because as I went off, I
heard this.

"There goes Ms Pomelo off to buy apples and oranges."
