Wednesday, August 03, 2005

And it feels good

I finally threw my letter last Friday.

My editor seemed to take it well. So did my CEO. Ah well, I couldn’t be bothered.

But I feel so much lighter… like a burden has been lifted off my shoulders. Yes, I have to clear my outstanding articles, but still… I’m leaving!! And my last day is next Tuesday, cos I had 16 and a half days leave left! Woo-hoo!

I’ve booked my ticket for the 1st Sept. Will be paying for it soon. I’m just so excited…. I cannot believe that I’m finally going. My friends are still going, “You sure or not?! I heard that before.”

YES. I’m going.

I can imagine a lot of scenarios of what I’ll be doing once I’m there. But sometimes I stop myself from thinking and predicting of the days ahead and just hug myself and chant, “I’ll be fine. I’ll be fine. I’ll be fine.”

I’m going to enjoy. Live in the moment. Try everything once. Let go of all inhibitions.

I don’t even want to think too much or plan too much. I wanna let it happen naturally. I hope that I can make every moment precious.