Friday, September 10, 2004

Steady on...

Today's planetary energies

Try to make sure you get some quality time to yourself today, JENNIFER. Your Scorpio nature is one that thrives on intensity of thought, creativity, sexuality, and emotion. Without adequate time alone in a space that is comfortable for you, you may begin to feel worn out. Such things as irritability or withdrawal can be strong indicators that it's high time you got some time to be alone with yourself. Make some plans for this today.

Yep. Yoga. Not very steady still. Going today.

This is not the first time that I'm being affected by the emotions around me, mostly due to the people I'm close to or affectionate with. If my friends have good news, I'm happy for them. If my friend is sad, I really am sad too. If they are devastated, you bet your bottom dollar I'm just as devastated. Which is bad, as my Bach expert told me before. I have to control my emotions. Unfortunately I'm not very good at it.

When two good friends broke up, I crashed to the bottom of the sea. Subsconsciously I knew that they would break up one day. How I knew is a mystery. I just knew. Yet I foolishly hoped that I would be wrong. And when the thing fell apart, I fell hard. Partially because I was using them as my gauge for true relationship happiness. When it didn't work, I felt as if no relationship would work. Which is stupid. I can't base all relationships on just one. It's incomparable.

I know better now. And I've learnt to better control my emotions.

But this one still hit me hard.

Getting a firmer grip now...