Wednesday, July 21, 2004

Power of a mother

Got another one with my mom. And what's it over this time?

Well, it's about me not putting the chair in front of the door, me not locking the window (it was slided close, just not latched) and me not turning off the gas switch.

So now she's not talking to me.

Now, I plead defence. The first thing she did in the morning when I got out of bed, was to pounce on me, with these three incidents to fire me with.

I'm blur in the morning. I'm grouchy in the morning. If you try talking to me in the morning, the best you're gonna get from me is a grunt and a growl. Expect me to jump out of bed singing and you'll be sorely disappointed.

Sure, I didn't put the chair in front of the door. She's paranoid. There have been too many rape cases and thefts and murders happening lately in KL. I can understand her disgruntlement over this.

Sure, I didn't latch the window. But then again, there have been some nights that I or she or my brother didn't do this, and everything was fine. Ok. She's not happy this time.

Now, this is what's puzzling me. I distinctly remember that I switched off the gas. I even went to turn it off a second time, and when I felt it was off, I scolded myself in my head, 'Silly gurl. You already turned it off. Why are you checking it again?' And I went to bed.

The first thing that went through my mind was poltergeist. Then I discarded that reasoning and went for, that my brother turned it on, and she didn't know, and he's not saying anything. Then I thought of another thing, which is, she's confused.
But if I even hint that, I'm dead.

Naturally I protested over the gas switch thing and she got mad and told me that she didn't want to talk to me. Ok. Fine. Whatever. I couldn't be bothered in the morning, because I know I turned it off and I was too groggy in the morning.

But then when I went to work, I wondered if in my absentmindedness, my fingers dislocated the switch, hence, the 'on' switch.

Oh, hell. I'll never know. I'll just have to ride this one out. But I'm glad to feel that I'm not feeling too distressed over this incident. Normally, before the Soul Retreat, by now I'll be a pathetic despairing wreck. I hate the way my mom has such control over me. I'm going to be 28, for God's sake, and I still cower before her whims and fancies.

Power of a mother? If so, I hope I don't become a corrupt one myself.