Friday, July 23, 2004

Working dynamics

Working is so not easy. Not only are there the demands of a job, but the complicating dynamics of colleagues and management.

I’ve always avoided management as best as I can. Though my management’s seemed to be reasonable and friendly folk, I’ve gotten to know them better since joining and working here longer.

Yes, they can be friendly and smile at you. They can even buy cakes for you when they go out for meetings.

But I dislike the way they bully mild-mannered staffs who daren’t speak up against their own indecisiveness, their own pettiness and their own incompetence.

I dislike the way they scheme to squeeze existing staffs’ salary by lumping other responsibilities on them. Responsibilities that are immense in itself and should be given to another hired staff, and which they are not willing to do.

This is what I am seeing in my company and which I dislike immensely.

A colleague of mine resigned 2 months ago and while management is saying that they are still looking for someone to replace her, their actions indicate that they have no intention of hiring another.

So meanwhile they are taking this post’s job duties apart and giving them out in bits and pieces to 4 other colleagues, whose job scopes do not include such duties. Without any additional pay raise or allowance for taking on additional responsibilities.

I hate these kind of mentality people. Though now I don’t see some of the job touching my plate, we are all connected and affected. What has touched them, might touch me sooner or later. I can only pray it doesn’t ever, or it’s much later, when I am prepared to leaving. I have no power or authority to argue or protest. I dare not. My job will be in jeopardy. Sigh… I hate this.

I’ve been very disturbed over this issue for the past two weeks. But I cannot do anything.